Essential Step to Maximize Your Claim

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Essential Steps for Maximizing Your Insurance Claim After Disaster

Ensure Accessibility: Keep Your Contact Information Updated

Make sure your contact details are current and answer calls promptly, even from unfamiliar numbers, to avoid delays in the process.

Document Damage: Capture Before Cleanup

Take detailed photos of the damage before disposing of anything during cleanup. Avoid saving spoiled food and instead photograph refrigerators and freezers before disposal.

Prevent Mold: Remove Wet/Soiled Carpet Promptly

Act quickly to remove wet or soiled carpet and pad to prevent mold and mildew from setting in.

Salvage Possessions: Professional Cleaning and Documentation

Have clothes professionally cleaned to salvage them and keep receipts for reimbursable expenses like hotels, meals, and emergency provisions.

Track Expenses: Document Costs and Time Spent on Cleanup

Keep track of expenses and the time spent by people working on your property’s cleanup. If staying with family or friends, discuss potential reimbursement for additional expenses incurred.

Prepare in Advance: Review Insurance Policy and Inventory Regularly

Regularly review your insurance policy with your agent and consider adjustments for content coverage. Maintain a detailed inventory of your property, including photographs, receipts, and videos, stored in multiple locations.

By following these steps, you can ensure you’re maximizing your insurance claim after a disaster. For more tips on disaster preparedness, visit

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Corporate Division
Guice Oilfield Services$100.00
Spring Hill State Bank$75.00
Longview Symphony$40.00
Cace Kitchen$10.00
Bancorp South$0.00
Michelle Miller$70.00
Delia Fourie$35.00
Steve Gordon$35.00
Team TCB$30.00
Aubrey Coleman$15.00
Jade Bird$0.00

Last Updated: ( Dec 15, 2020 ; 1:41 PM )

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